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Our mission

The mission of the Houston Baku Sister City Association (HBSCA) is to promote mutual understanding, appreciation, and cooperation between the citizens of Houston, Texas and Baku, Azerbaijan.

our Vision

The Houston-Baku Sister City Association (HBSCA) is a nonprofit citizen diplomacy network that aspires to connect Houston and Baku through creating and strengthening partnerships in business, culture and education. We strive to be valued for our people, partnership and performance.

We are working to:

  • Support the people of Houston and Baku in their acquisition of a consciousness of each other, to understand one another as individuals, as members of their community, as citizens of their country and as part of the family of nations

  • Foster and promote friendly relations and mutual understanding between the business, culture and education communities in both cities;

  • Create an atmosphere in which opportunities for economic, cultural and educational exchanges can be implemented and strengthened.

  • Demonstrate commitment and outstanding capability to help bring such exchanges to fruition;

  • Earn the admiration of the individuals and communities we work with.

Our Association is built on:

Honesty, Integrity, Trust, and Diversity​


Our association is built on our values which will guide our actions. We will conduct our responsibilities in an ethical manner, and we will respect the law.


We will be honest with others and our selves, and we will do what we say we will do. We will trust, respect, and support each other and strive to earn the trust of the communities we work with. We will respect the different cultures in which we work, and we will embrace a diversity of people, ideas, and experiences.

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